information security


Information security is a key consideration for all businesses that handle large amounts of customer data. Many iGaming operators are obliged to train their employees on the subject as part of their licencing agreement.

Inbreuken op de beveiliging kunnen leiden tot zware financiële verliezen, reputatieschade en/of mogelijke boetes voor bedrijven en hun belanghebbenden en het belang van onderwerpen als gegevens- en systeembescherming en correct e-mail- en internetgebruik en kan niet worden onderschat.

Our online course on information security has been designed to help improve information security in an organisation by encouraging employee awareness of the potential risks and increasing understanding of those policies and procedures that are in place to safeguard company and client data.

Learning objectives

  • Beveiliging van bedrijfsgegevens
  • Gebruik van systeembeveiliging
  • Correct gebruik van e-mail en internet
  • Toegangscontrole tot kantoren en IT-systemen


Ideal for: Essential for many iGaming operators as a license obligation, and prudent for all online businesses

Startdatum:  Online Access Anytime (eLearning)

Prijs:  60.00 Excl. VAT

Certificering: After passing the assessment, you will be able to download your certificate as a PDF. The certificate will state the following:

  • your name
  • the course title
  • the date of completion